Thursday, February 27, 2020

Interoffice Memo Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Interoffice Memo - Essay Example I do believe that law enforcement agents can be an asset in this field of investigation where digital evidence need to be handled with care much like any physical evidence should be handled in order to be assured that evidence would not be tampered with from the time it is collected unto the time that the evidence is used in court. As you have informed me, your team is not computer-trained. This should not stop your team from broadening the scope of their responsibility. It used to be that only people who are highly trained in computers are able to assist in such cases of crime as involves computers or data objects found in computer files. However, due to the proliferation of computer crimes in recent years, it has become quite impractical to be only employing the "experts" as it slows down the investigation process. It is not only impractical; it becomes quite unreasonable to have a few experts perform these duties by themselves (O'Shea, n.d.). Thus it has become necessary that law enforcement agents also be involved in the "chain of custody" in a crime scene where computers are directly involved. In this connection it would be a good thing to come together and discuss vital issues on the management of digital evidence. Your law enforcement team could undergo basic training on how to recognize, seize, transport and store original evidence in order to preserve it for forensic examination. Details of this training will be discussed in a meeting that I hope to soon have with your team. But in a nutshell, let me lay out what I hope would give you an overview of how your law enforcement team could participate in the investigation of the case at hand. Seizure Methodology Let us discuss seizure methodology. Traditionally, the first thing that must be done is to secure the physical scene, followed by securing the digital scene. In such a scenario, "all hardware and media are seized, documented, labeled and packaged for delivery to the lab" (O'Shea, n.d.). In the lab, all seized data is analyzed. This is the simplest chain of duties to be done. This, however, works well if there is only a single computer or a few computers involved. In our case where a number of computers are involved, the methodology becomes a bit more detailed because seizing all the computers would be quite impractical to do. In the event where there are a handful of computers involved, the following steps are involved: digital media identification, prioritizing the physical media so as to minimize the crime scene and then the seizure of storage devices and media. In digital media identification we simply try to find the digital media that has the highest probability of having the much sought after evidence. After the identification of all possible media involved, it must be determined which among these contain information leading to the crime. It would be impractical to get all the devices at the

Monday, February 10, 2020

To what extent have the Millennium Development Goals been a success Essay

To what extent have the Millennium Development Goals been a success - Essay Example Goal 1: Extreme poverty and hunger should be eradicated. The goal will be achieved by reducing the number of people earning less than $1 per day to one half by 2015. It also emphasizes on reduction of the number of people suffering from poverty to one half by the same date. Goal 2: Every child on earth, male or female, should be able to primary education by 2015. Goal 3: To eradicate gender disparity, it will be ensured that men and women have equal access to education facilities at all levels. Goal 4: Mortality rate of children under five should be reduced by two third of the present value. Goal 5: Proper medical care should be provided to women to ensure three quarters reduction in maternal mortality rate by 2015. Reproductive health care should be made universally available. Goal 6: Spread of Malaria and HIV/AIDS should be reversed by 2015. Goal 7: Programs should be initiated for sustainable development without the adverse effects on environment. Safe drinking water should be mad e available to more people with the water deficient population reduced to one half by 2015. Goal 8: A partnership should be developed between rich and poor countries to achieve the MDGs. It defines the mechanism of how the poorer countries will be able to achieve these goals with the financial and technical support of developed countries. The content of these goals is derived from the United Nations Development Conferences held after the inception of United Nations Development Program in 1965. Millennium Development Goals – Successes and Short Comings: The overall progress towards the MDGs is very different in different countries and regions around the globe. Most of the developing countries have limited their focus towards the first goal with a very limited or no focus towards environmental and health aspirations of MDGs. It is observed by different analysts that so far the targets set by MDGs are not met on an international scale. However, success of individual countries or regions can be observed which shall be discussed in the following lines with reference to each of the eight goals. 1. The first goal has been the primary focus of most of the governments in developing countries for reasons both political and financial. China and Vietnam for example have reduced their population earning less than $1 per day from more than 35% to less than 14% of the total population. Considerable progress on the goal has been made in South Asian countries particularly India where ration of population living below poverty line has been reduced from 37.5% to 26.1%. Very little progress was however observed in the countries of Latin America and Middle East. For most of the European countries goal 1 was not a challenge as the average income of their population was well above $1 per day. 2. As in the case of first goal discussed above, the progress towards the ‘education for all’ target of UN was different for different countries. UN task forces note that un der developed countries such as Bolivia and Cameron have allocated greater proportions of annual budget to the development in health and education sector. For the most European and Central Asian countries, it is anticipated that they will be able to achieve the targets set in goal 2 by 2015. However, serious setbacks have been faced in many of the African countries such as Mozambique and Tanzania where primary school enrollment has decreased over the past few years. 3. Since the announcement of Millennium Declaration, women